
The results of studies of carbohydrate-acid and phenolic complexes, biochemical properties of native grape varieties Sary pandas and Soldaya growing in the Crimean conditions (village of Vilino, Bakhchisaray district) are presented. The classic grape variety Aligote, which grows in the same edaphoclimatic conditions, was used as a control. It was noted that the carbohydrate-acid complex of the must in the studied varieties was within the recommended range of values: technological maturity index - 217-241, glucoacidometric index - 2.8-3.0, and was within the control grape variety. The assessment of the phenolic complex showed that the technological reserve was within the limits of the values of the control grape variety. At the same time, some indicators of the phenolic complex exceeded the values of the control variety: the initial content of phenolic substances was 1.8-2.1 times in both studied varieties, the maceration ability was 1.6 times (in the Sary pandas variety), which determines the selection of technological methods at the stage of grape processing, excluding the transfer of these components. It has been established that the studied varieties have a low oxidizing capacity, which is a favorable factor for the production of low-oxidized wine materials. The possibility and prospects of using these varieties in the production of wine materials for table and sparkling wines are shown, taking into account the application of the recommendations.

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