
ABSTRACT. This article analyses the main features of respiratory protective equipment used during combat actions under the conditions of chemical and radiation contamination. Objective: To study the technical characteristics of respiratory protective equipment that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are equipped with for compliance with NATO standards. Materials and methods. Analysis of sources of scientific information about respiratory protective equipment in operational service with Ukraine and NATO have been conducted. Study methods used: analytical, historical, bibliographic, systematic and informational approach. Results and discussion. It was established that the majority of respiratory protective equipment that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are equipped with has been manufactured before 1991. Their shelf lives exceed the acceptable ones, and the standards by which they were manufactured do not meet modern requirements. The authors have defined the principal directions for improving respiratory protective equipment: versatility for various tactical tasks; possibility of use along with optical devices; compliance of intercommunication systems and breathing valves with NATO standards; providing respiratory protection against a wide range of chemicals; long shelf life; resistance to special treatment means (degassing); possibility of rapid switch to combat position; portability and ease of use. Conclusion. Modern technical characteristics of respiratory protective equipment should comply with the nature of the threats and the best international standards. An important direction in the development of weaponry and military equipment in Ukraine is the improvement of domestic technologies and development of own production of personal protective equipment, technologically compatible with the samples that are in the operational service with NATO countries. Keywords: military toxicology, military radiology, medical protection, respiratory protective equipment.

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