
Summary. The article presents the results of research on the technology of compatible introduction of mineral fertilizers with irrigation water of sprinkling machines and testing equipment for fertigation. The purpose of research - technological analysis of various types of equipment for combining fertilizer, which is used in the production practice of S.-G. Manufacturers, definition of their basic operational and technological indicators and efficiency of using fertigation technology. Research methods: theoretical, empirical - analysis of information resources, analysis of the practice of using fertigation; laboratory-field tests for information data. using measurements and experiments. Research results. The traditional methods of fertilizing - superficial and local, in particular, the disadvantages of their use are analyzed. It was noted that one of the ways of intensifying irrigated agriculture, in which the requirements for the effective use of fertilizers and reducing resource costs are multipurpose use of irrigation equipment, namely combining irrigation with fertilizers along with irrigation water. The high efficacy of fertigation is established, which is determined by the fact that the fertilizers in an easily accessible form can be introduced at those stages of plant development when they are most required. In this case, a more uniform distribution of fertilizers in the area is provided, the coefficient of their use increases, improves the quality of products, increases yield. In Ukraine there is no production of appropriate equipment for fertimation and S.-G. Manufacturers have to use for this Equipment for foreign production. In 2017-2020, testing equipment for fertigation used by Ukrainian S.-G. Manufacturers: ITL SL, Spain, Inject-O-Mfg.S., Agri-Inject, Inc. » USA. The conducted studies on the introduction of liquid fertilizer CAS showed that the parameters of the dispenser pump and other components of the test equipment provide fertilizers with irrigation water according to their desired norm. The work of the pump-dispenser does not significantly affect the pressure-consuming characteristics of the rainy machine. The use of CAS increases the technological equipment of equipment, reduces energy intensity and labor intensity of its work due to the absence of a technological operation of the preparation of a mother liquor. Conclusions. The established effectiveness of the technological operation of fertility using test equipment allows a steadily process with the appointment indicators, the quality of work and reliability that satisfy the requirements for the technological process of fertilizing with irrigation water.


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  • Минеральные удобрения, дождевальная машина, концентрация удобрений, маточный раствор, насос-дозатор, давление, поливная норма, подача насоса

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