
The article is devoted to the study of the role of housing construction in ensuring the financial security of the state. Based on the study of existing scientific sources and own scientific research, a generalization of approaches to the interpretation of the category "financial security of the state" was carried out, which made it possible to offer the scientific community an author's interpretation of it with an emphasis on the role in the process of its provision of the real sector of the economy. It is suggested that the financial security of the state should be understood as the ability of the state to respond promptly to internal and external threats to the functioning of its financial system in order to maintain the pace of development of the real sector of the economy and protect national interests.The author's approach to revealing the role of the housing construction sector in ensuring the financial security of the state is proposed, which, unlike the existing ones, allows considering the mutual influence of the level of financial security of the state and the level of financial security of the housing construction sector. System of measures for the development of housing construction, the practical im-plementation of which is aimed at increasing the efficiency of its functioning, as well as strengthening the financial security of the state, is given. It has been proven that ensuring the effective functioning of the housing construction sector is currently impossible without international financial and technical support. It is with the help of joint efforts of domestic and international participants in the field of housing construction that the possibility of quick and high-quality recovery will be formed, which in turn will have a positive impact not only on the state of the national economy, but also contribute to strengthening the level of financial security of the state.There is a well-founded need to find new approaches to the functioning of the housing con-struction sector, to transform the mechanismof building a system of its financial relations, which should be based on a systematic approach to attracting financial resources, forming a possible list of sources of funds necessary for the rapid recovery of this sector.

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