
The subject of the study is a set of issues related to the regulation of external labor migration in the Russian Federation. The goal is to justify the need to further use external labor migration as a source of replenishing Russia’s labor resources and mitigating the growing personnel shortage in the economy. For this purpose, the main problems and myths associated with the current aggravation of the migration situation are considered. The scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of the need to reform migration statistics, clarify the scale of labor migration, and manage its flows. The study was conducted using quantitative and qualitative analysis methodology. Its empirical basis was statistical data, materials from media publications, and the results of published and own sociological expert surveys of migrants. As a result of the study, a conclusion was drawn: modern flows of foreign migration are quite stable, and in their scale and structure they serve as a necessary addition to the country’s shrinking labor resources. The modern shortcomings of accounting, control, and regulation of external labor migration and their reasons, which cause uncertainty in the assessment and forecasting of migration processes, are revealed. The proposals made based on the results of the study are aimed at determining the conditions that, in addition to the project for reforming migration legislation, should be ensured for the effective use of the labor of external labor migrants and not pose a threat to Russian society.

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