
The article considers the role of the professional course “History of the development of the Ural region”, which was developed as an integrative discipline that allows you to activate the qualifications of students obtained at the beginning of their studies. The core of the high was universal competence, which forms students' perception of the intercultural diversity of society in the socio-historical, ethical and philosophical contexts. The aim of our work was to establish an integrative connection between several courses of history, including the development of design in Europe and the Ural region. A special place was given to the continuity of knowledge of the main causes and conditions for their development, as well as the education of a tolerant attitude towards the intercultural diversity of society, through the recognition of the achievements of each people. The history of the design of the Ural region is considered from the 17th to 20th centuries, the last topics are devoted to the current state of affairs. The greatest attention is paid to the history of the development of art industry enterprises, many of which eventually switched to mass production and laid the foundations for future design.

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