
The research is deal with the analysis of current stage of development and popularization of information and communication technologies and interactive means of learning communication in order to organize the common work in various spheres of society. The main attention is paid to the field of education services of higher education institutions in the context of rapid spreading of social software. It made it possible to join people together in specialized groups with common interests who even may be unacquainted in real life and have no previous communication experience. The essence of the newest social software system is revealed which consists of growth and maintaining social network interaction and building virtual communities with the high level of self-organizing. The main result of the research has become the explanation social software role and functions in the context of: interaction between individuals and groups in questions of web-publications and network communication as a type of computer-mediated communication; social feedback based on network ethics and virtual presence effect; forming and buildingout of social networks. An important element of social software, namely blogs, has considered. Today the blogosphere is one of the most striking web phenomena in terms of speed growing of blogs number, increasing link density within blogosphere and rapid growth of available content amount. Emergence and development of the latest social phenomena such as, for example, Facebook, Quorra, have given new impulse to further blogosphere progress, its modification and adaptation to current users needs exactly in education field. The newest tool is wiki which can use in learning process of higher school. Their advantage is fast access to online work results that allows to position wikisystem as a platform for collaboration at the level of students, study groups, universities etc. and use it as a tool of planning learning process in higher school. Key words: web, social software, blogs, wiki, networking, education services.

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