
In a single methodological basis, based on complex lithologic and stratigraphic and petrophysical studies, logging interpretation, beds correlation, were selected and indexed 45 productive horizons of Cenozoic sediments at Black and Azov seas shelf (Ukrainian sector): МU-1, МU-2, МU-3, МU-4, МU-5, МU-6, МU-7, МM-1, МM-2, МL-1, МL-2, МL-3, МL-4, МL-5 and МL-6 in Miocene sediments; ОU-1, ОU-2, ОU-3, ОU-4, ОU-5, ОL-1, ОL-2, ОL-3, ОL-4, ОL-5, ОL-6, ОL-7, ОL-8, ОL-9, ОL-10 and ОL-11 – Oligocen; ЕU-1, ЕU-2, ЕM-1, ЕM-2, ЕM-3, ЕM-4, ЕM-5, ЕL-1, ЕL-2 and ЕL-3 – Eocene, PU-1, PL-1, PL-2 and PL-3 – Paleocene. The name of each productive horizon is the sum of the abbreviations of names of department and sub-department, which is the horizon, and the numeral indicating its serial number.Single scheme of indexing and correlation was composed. Key words: productive horizon, Cenozoic sediments, Ukrainian waters of the Black and Azov Seas References Atlas of oil and gas in Ukraine. V.VI. South oil and gas region. 1998. Lviv. UNGA. 224 p. (in Ukrainian). Boboshko A.V., Vakarchuk G.I., Vinnichenko L.G. et al.1974. The scheme of correlation and unified synonymy oil and gas horizons of the Lower Carboniferous of the Dnieper-Donets basin (guidelines). Kharkiv. 52 p. Vakarchuk G.I., Vinnichenko L.G., Kononenko L.P. 1990. The new scheme of indexing and correlation of the productive horizons of the Lower Carboniferous of the Dnieper-Donets basin. Geological Journal. #6. S. 109-115. Stratigraphic Code of Ukraine. 2012. Resp. editor P.F. Gozhyk. 66 p. Gozhik P.F. 2006. Oil-gas facilities in Ukraine. Scientific and practical basis for finding hydrocarbons in the Azov Sea. Kyiv. EKMO. 340 p. (in Ukrainian). Gozhik P.F. 2007. Oil-gas facilities in Ukraine. Scientific and practical basis for finding hydrocarbons in the northwestern Black Sea shelf. Kyiv. ЕКМО. 231 p. (in Ukrainian). State balance of mineral reserves Ukraine. 2012. Кiev, SSPE Geoinform Ukrainin, 3284 p. (in Ukrainian). Oil and gas potential of the northwestern Black Sea. 1995. Series «Oil-gas potencial water area of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov». V.2. Kyiv. Ukrainian Oil-gas institute. 250 p. (in Ukrainian). Oil and gas potential of the Azov Sea 1995. Series «Oil-gas potencial water area of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov». V 1. Kyiv. Ukrainian Oil-gas institute. 166 p. (in Ukrainian). Oil and gas potential Kerch-Taman Black Sea shelf, continental slope and deep-sea depression Black Sea. 1996. Series «Oil-gas potencial water area of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov». V.2. Kyiv. Ukrainian Oil-gas institute. 186 p. (in Russian). Ukraine's oil and gas province. 1981. Kyiv. Naukova dumka, 172 p. (in Russian). Forecast oil and gas exploration in the south of the USSR and adjacent waters. 1981. Ed. V.V. Glushko and S.P. Maximov. Moscov. Nedra. 240 p. (in Russian). Murasta W.А., Baschkirov G.L., Karpenko О.М. 2012. On the issue of allocation of productive horizons in the Paleogene and Neogene sediments Ukrainian shelf of the Black and Azov Seas. Problems of Oil and Gas Industry. Proceedings of SE Naukanaftogaz NAK Naftogaz Ukraine. Kyiv.Vol. 10. P. 97-104 (in Ukrainian). Creation of unified directory breakdowns productive horizons Cenozoic sediments within the areas of the Black and Azov seas based on a single indexing and correlating. 2011. Report on implementation of the provision of geological and thematic work. Responsibility G.L. Bashkirov and I.I. Ishchenko. SE Naukanaftogaz. Vischneve, №16/200. Book 1,2. 503 p. (in Ukrainian). Handbook of Petroleum Geology. 1984. Ed. N.А. Yeremenko. М. Nedra. P. 480. (in Russian). Hanin А.А. 1969. Reservoir rocks of oil and gas and their study. M.: Nedra. 366 p. (in Russian).

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