
The article highlights the psycho-sexual principles of sexual rehabilitation of military personnel, veterans and civilians with acquired disabilities. In particular, foreign professional publications are analyzed, and statistical data on the level of sexual disorders or changes in people with various injuries and traumas are presented. Attention is also focused on the lack of similar publications and research in the Ukrainian-speaking professional environment. It is noted that in Ukraine, rehabilitation programs for the military and veterans practically do not address a comprehensive approach to the rehabilitation of the sexuality of traumatized persons. The concept of sexuality as a complex combination of biological, social, psychological and other factors that encompasses human existence throughout life is explored. The spheres in which sexuality is manifested and experienced in all its uniqueness and individuality are highlighted. The high clinical significance of conversations about sexuality throughout the recovery process is noted, which should include both conversations with professionals of helping professions who should initiate such discussions and conversations within a couple or in support groups. The peculiarities of the impact of disability and trauma on sexual functioning, including the influence of false beliefs that can form a prejudiced attitude towards disability and sexuality, are outlined. The author emphasizes the high level of sexual problems that arise after surgical interventions against the background of misinformation or emotional experiences. In addition, the sexual functioning of a couple with a person with a sudden disability can be affected by a set of psychosocial factors, such as changing roles in relationships, general difficulties associated with the treatment and recovery process, depression, anxiety, changes in self-esteem or fatigue. Attention is drawn to the need to rethink one's own sexuality, ideas about masculinity and femininity, the formation of new sexual scenarios that would include the fact of disability, as well as a general expansion of the view of intimacy, which would move away from the widespread perception of sex as exclusively penile-vaginal contact. The article also highlights a wide range of aspects that may require therapeutic intervention when restoring the intimate life of a person who has suddenly become disabled.

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