
The studies were carried out on winter wheat varieties Kazanskaya 560 for three years, of which two (2018, 2019) were characterized by periodically dry phenomena during the spring-summer growing season and one (2020) was with normal moisture. The aim of the work was to study the effectiveness of the use of the Melafen growth stimulator on winter wheat in the autumn period and double foliar feeding in the spring-summer period with the complex liquid fertilizer Metallocene Universal. The studies were carried out on gray forest soil using the recommended agricultural technology for the cultivation of winter wheat. In the course of the research, the influence of the studied preparations and their combinations on the biometric parameters of plants, the development of diseases, the productivity and quality characteristics of winter wheat seeds was studied. It was found that when using the autumn treatment of crops with the growth stimulator Melafen, there was an increase of 17.8% in plant density for harvesting, which is due to the positive effect of the stimulator on the overwintering of winter wheat. As a result, the yield in this variant increased by 0.48 t/ha. The use of only top dressing with Metallocene Universal led to an increase in the number of grains per spike and an increase in yield by 0.43 t/ha. The alternation of treatments (autumn spraying by Melafen; spring-summer spraying by Metalocene Universal) contributed to an increase in the number of grains per ear, an increase in the mass of 1000 seeds, which led to a significant (0.9 t/ha) increase in the yield of winter wheat. Double foliar feeding with Metallocene Universal contributes to some reduction in the infection of an ear of winter wheat with stagonospora blotch. In all experimental variants, there was no decrease in damage to the ear by "black head molds". The studied variants did not have a significant positive effect on the accumulation of protein in wheat grain.

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