
Today the competitive struggle for a guest in the highly competitive domestic market of hospitality is sharpened. It is connected with the development of hotel business in Russia and the decision of a large number of pressing problems such as a reduction of the tourist flows and number of business trips. Unfortunately, these issues cannot be always solved with the help of the experience of foreign colleagues. The article discusses the hotel business development in the People´s Republic of China and the reasons for its growth. The author considers further opportunities for problem-solving in the service sector in a highly competitive and describes innovative methods for the solution of social problems and increasing the standard of living through tourism in areas remote from the cities. Taking into account the huge potential of outgoing tourism in China, the whole world is struggling to attract tourists from China. According to the latest statistics of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation, the growth of tourist flow from Southeast Asia was recorded in Russia in 2015. For example, China has come on top by the number of foreign travelers, who visited our country, leaving behind Germany that was a leader in this for several years. The number of Chinese tourists coming to Russia already more than a million people a year. Today the following issues are actively studied. What visitors from China are interested in? What sites attract their attention? Which tourist attraction they choose firstly at all? What qualities are needed to increase the tourist flow from the PRC? The potential of Russia for tourists from China is huge, therefore research is conducted and program of some kind of prompts to the owners of the local hotels in the provision of high quality services for guests from China are introduced.

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