
On the example of data obtained during psychological and psychiatric examination and further rehabilitation of women and adolescent girls victims of crimes against sexual inviolability of the person, the article describes mental and behavioral disorders developed as a result of psychotrauma. Reflected features of the posttraumatic mental and behavioral disorders course and differences in manifestations in the age aspect. It has been established that the clinical picture of the course of the disease depends on such factors as the age, the psychological maturity of the victim of violence, the severity of committed violence. Also, the analysis of the work allowed us to identify a number of negative phenomena that contributed to the protracted, undulating course of reactive states. These include a high degree of stigmatization (self-stigmatization) in society about sexual offenses and, as a result, bullying victims of sexual violence, as well as the need to participate in forensic investigative events. It is shown that the frequency of face-to-face interrogation and the duration of the trial affect the severity and duration of the mental consequences of the psychological trauma.

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