
Introduction. The effective functioning of a modern multi-functional residential and public and business complex is impossible without the formation of automated building management systems that ensure the implementation of a single digital environment of a residential complex, optimally combining engineering infrastructure with information systems to ensure centralized and efficient management of all buildings and structures on the territory of the complex. Goals and objectives. The aim of the article is to develop proposals for the design of automated building control systems for a residential complex on a digital platform. The tasks include the formation of the main sections of the standard terms of reference for the design of automated building control systems for a residential complex. Methods. Methods of system analysis and synthesis of automatic control systems were used. Results and discussion. The proposed structure of the automated building management system of the residential complex, which uses open protocols and methods of data exchange between the servers of local systems and the central server of the automated building management system of the residential complex, is considered. All elements of building engineering systems that have a digital component must be provided with the technical possibility of remote access via the Internet in compliance with information security requirements. The basic requirements for engineering systems of buildings and the functions they perform are considered. The considered provisions form the basis of a standard technical task for the design of automated building control systems for a residential complex. Conclusions. 1. A system of management of buildings of a residential complex is a hierarchical multi-level integrated system, including a subsystem for ensuring integrated security. 2. The terms of reference for the creation of an automated building management system for a residential complex shall be the main document defining the requirements and procedure for creating an automated system. 3. The result of the creation of an automated building management system of a residential complex on the basis of the proposed version of the standard terms of reference is the formation of a single digital ecosystem of the residential complex, combining the engineering and technical infrastructure of the facility with the information systems and business processes of the management company to ensure centralized management of the residential complex within the framework of integrated interfaces Automated building management systems for a residential complex. Keywords: residential complex; automated building management system; digitalization; typical terms of reference.

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