
Information and communication technologies as support for the inclusive education are one of the effective tools for the development, education and training of students with special educational needs. The article deals with assistive hardware and software tools that compensate some of the natural functions of the child’s body. The possibilities of modern Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Youtube platforms have been described that make it possible to improve the fulfilment of educational tasks via the settings of keyboard shortcuts, virtual keyboard, word prediction functions, sound signals or screen indicators. The article also highlights the potential of messengers, social networks and e-mails as the most modern and adapted communicators for addressing teaching and educational needs of schoolchildren. The Viber and Facebook instant messaging programs have also been described and were found to be the most widespread means of communication in Ukraine having functions of voice and video calls with the interface adapted to maximize screen readability, allowing to create constructive dialogue between teachers, parents or schoolchildren with special educational needs. The use of ICT in inclusive education for didactic purposes have been presented practically by the LearningApps.org service. Examples of setting objectives for children with mild and moderate mental retardation have been presented, in particular: for pupils who suffer from autistic disorders, for schoolchildren who have problems with auditory or visual perception of information. Providing education through the suggested resource allows to carry out remedial work with children with special educational needs that intensifies their perception and attention, improves their memory and stimulates their motivation for educational activities. Introduction of information and communication technologies encompassing their three aspects - compensatory, communication and didactic purposes - makes it possible to adjust educational programmes and contribute effectively to the development of pupils according to their individuality.

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