
Study Objective: To assess skin test results in patients with some allergies. Design: Perspective comparative study. Materials and Methods. We examined 1,963 patients with allergies who presented to Tadjieva Allergo-Medical Service LLC (Samarkand) in 2018–2019. 895 patients consented to and underwent allergy testing with scarification skin tests; they had various allergies (bronchial asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, allergic bronchitis, atopic dermatitis, urticaria). We used 76 types of most common allergens, including 24 plant allergens, 7 domestic allergens, 13 fungal allergens, 3 epidermal allergens, 27 food allergens, histamine and control test. Results. Most common, positive test results were seen with saltwort (42.9%), plantain (39.5%), wormwood (33.7%), pigweed (26.6%), quitch grass (27.3%), cultivated plant mix (corn, rye, barley, oats, wheat) (41.8%), wild grasses (dart grass, scleranthus, bluegrass, ryegrass, brome grass, couch grass, red-tailed fescue grass, foxtail, timothy) (40.4%). In domestic allergens, the highest number of positive test results accounted for Acarus siro (29.1%), Tyrophagus putrescentiae (24.6%), Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (21.8%), D. farinae (20.9%) mites. Still, the most severe are the diseases caused by hypersensitivity to fungal allergens Аlternaria alternatа (8.7%), Candida (8.9%). Polyvalent sensibilization was recorded in the majority of cases; but it was not a factor of severity and did not correlated with the duration of the disease. Conclusion. The results allow verifying aetiological factors of allergies in each case; later it can be used for targeted molecular diagnosis and allergen-specific immunotherapy. Keywords: allergies, allergen-specific immunotherapy, skin tests, plant, domestic, fungal allergens, polysensitization.

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