
The article analyzes the feasibility of using mindmapping in the process of training specialists in international law. Possible ways to use mental maps during lectures, seminars and practical classes, as well as in distance learning have been identified and outlined. The analysis of scientific sources proved that oral presentation of the material is not enough to improve the level of students' knowledge. Visualization of information improves its perception and memorization by students. The main advantages of mindmapping include: improved concentration, systematic and structured material, the ability to process large amounts of information in a short period of time, the development of both professional and general competencies, the formation of creative thinking and others.In order to improve the perception of information in the classroom, in our opinion, it is necessary to use such methods of visualization, which in combination with the oral explanation of the lecture material maximize the quality of knowledge of future specialists in international law. Such innovative pedagogical technologies include scribing and mindmapping.Currently, there are no studies on the impact of the use of mental maps on improving the quality of knowledge of specialists in international law. Mental cards are ideal for use in higher education. Their main advantage is that mindmapping can be used during all types of training sessions. Combined with the brainstorming method, this method allows you to effectively solve complex professional practical problems. Students can create maps both individually and as part of working groups.All this suggests that the use of mindmapping during lectures, seminars and practical classes is methodologically sound and in combination with other innovative learning technologies can significantly improve the quality of students' knowledge.

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