
The article clarifies that the IT sector is of great importance for the development of society, as its effective growth affects both human life and the potential of the domestic economy. Today, information technologies are penetrating all sectors of the national economy and opening up new opportunities through modernization and innovation. The active spread of information technology is a global trend due to growing competition; changing consumer behavior; reducing the cost of information technology and their availability; the constant struggle of technologies, which are the basis for their continuous improvement; the need to adapt to a market economy and daily life to the challenges posed by the spread of the coronavirus. It is determined that a powerful impetus to intensify the spread of information technology was the COVID-19 pandemic, the quarantine restrictions of which led to the rapid development of e-commerce, put some everyday work online and led to increased profitability of IT enterprises. Among the priority areas for the development of the IT industry in Ukraine are IT outsourcing, e-commerce, expansion of research centers, startups, IT in the public sector and the improvement of telecommunications. It was found that our country has a strong potential for the development of the IT sector, which is already one of the priority sectors of the national economy, as evidenced by the increase in its share in GDP and export growth. However, its further effective development is hampered by numerous factors, among which special attention should be paid to such as: political and economic instability; inefficiency of state protection of intellectual property rights; ambiguity and inefficiency of tax legislation, legal and judicial systems; high degree of risk in the IT; inconsistency of training of IT specialists with international standards; unfavorable investment and innovation climate, etc. Solving these problems will provide additional impetus to the IT sector and thus not only bring it to the international level, but also create strong conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the domestic economy as a whole.

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