
The program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, is being actively implemented in the building construction industry, mainly at the stages of engineering surveys and architectural and construction design. Building information modeling (BIM) technologies are used by most foreign and domestic CAD system vendors. At the other stages of the building's life cycle, digitalization has not been widely distributed, despite the fact that the operation stage is the longest and the trouble-free existence of building structures at this stage is the key to the economic and social efficiency of building ownership. Flat rolled roofs in our country are the most common type of roofs and at the same time the most susceptible to defect formation structural element of a building. The standard operation period of such roofs is 10 years, despite the fact that the actual period of trouble-free operation of flat rolled roofs rarely exceeds 7 years. The assessment of the technical condition of the roofs is carried out by a construction and technical expertise, performed, as a rule, after the occurrence of leaks. Assessment of the degree of damage, as well as the prevalence of defects, is carried out by an expert visually, often without the use of measuring equipment. Due to the fact that the assessment of damage by an expert is purely subjective, it is impossible to correctly assess the development of the defect over time. The proposed technology of automation of construction and technical expertise of flat rolled roofs of a building allows timely detection of defects, assess the degree of their danger and make forecasts of their development over time. This approach allows you to make a timely decision on the need to carry out current repairs or to plan their implementation in the future. This will increase the service life of a flat rolled roof without increasing the cost of the life cycle.

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