
The funeral epigraphic material of Elbląg and the surrounding area, relating to the period preceding the XVIth century, remains, first of all thanks to the researches of Polish epigraphists, relatively more explored and introduced into the scientific circulation array. At the same time the Renaissance-Baroque gravestone monument of the XVIth–XVIIth centuries, which is extremely important for the comprehensive study of the reformed Circum-Baltic, often continues to need a detailed research commentary. To the epitaph of the burgomaster of Elbing (Elbląg) Johann Jungschultz (1583–1630), as well as to the Latin text of the funeral Eulogy, associated with this epitaph, composed by the Bohemian humanist Venceslav Klemens, is expected to address in this article. The epitaph of Johann Jungschultz was established in 1630–1640. From the compositional point of view closest to the epitaph of Johann Jungschultz, and almost prototypical for it, is the epitaph of Edward Blemke (1591), in the St. Mary’s church of Gdansk. It allows to speak about the author of the epitaph of Johann Jungschultz as oriented to samples of the Dutch monumental tombstones of the end of the XVIth century, or even as belonging to the circle of Willem van den Blocke (circa 1550–1628), which was the principal mediator of the influence of the Dutch art in the South-Eastern Baltic in the end of XVIth – the first quarter of the XVIIth century. The compositional and decorative solution of the epitaph also has close matches in the works of Johann Pfister (1573 – circa 1642/1645 or 1648).

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