
The article explores the process of social and communicative dialogue as a form of discursive interaction in the public administration sphere. It was found out that the dialogueness acquires paradigmatic importance for public and administrative discourse as the plane of realization of political and managerial relations. Dialogic interaction through a systematic approach, based on globalization processes related to the modernization of public administration and the transformation (decentralization) of power relations, was actualized. Social dialogue as an institution of public administration, a certain form of social communication as well as an element of regulation and development of public relations was considered.In the author's sense, the concept of the dialogue was shown as a progressive transformation of power relations, which correlates with the paradigmatic foundations of the modern science of public administration, actualizing new forms of direct participation of citizens in the management of the public affairs. Peculiarities of dialogue between government authorities and civil society in Ukraine were found out as well as management aspects that need revitalization were highlighted.The purpose of the article is to analyze the features and implementation of social and communicative dialogue as a form of discursive interaction in the field of public administration.Conclusions. The successful formulation and implementation of public policy directly depends on the ability of public authorities to communicate effectively with the public, discuss alternative policy options and use public proposals to improve the quality of policy. In order to benefit from dialogue with the public, the authorities must be able to provide such dialogue. The most difficult and contradictory is the situation with the understanding of public authorities and citizens of their interdependence, and hence - the need to work together on the formation and implementation of public policy. That is why the competent answer to the need to improve the process of communication between government and society is the methodological possibilities of communicative philosophy and communication theory, aimed at changing the paradigm of thinking - from monologue to dialogue - and building a public deliberative process.Summarizing the results of the analysis of the category of social-communicative dialogue in the network, the main components are: subjects that are available in the context of the problem; the space of action provided by the world wide web as a whole and the specific platforms where communication takes place; time of action. The initiative of dialogue in the network arises as a reaction to objective reality. Social networks serve as a platform for public discussion and dissemination of information.

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