
Legal technology undoubtedly plays an important role in the issue of combating crime, this problem is especially clearly revealed by the example of the activities of law enforcement agencies engaged in combating extremist activities. The terminological omissions existing in this legal field often determine not only the difficulties in qualifying the relevant crimes, but also becomes a tool in the hands of the criminal segment manipulating public legal awareness in order to implement its own radical views and ideas. Thus, a favorable foundation is being formed for the escalation of social tension and the formation of public resonance, the main source of which five years ago was the facts of the realization of the right of citizens to the necessary defense, whereas at present this niche is confidently occupied by radical statements and appeals on the Internet. Overcoming such challenges and threats seems achievable primarily through the unification of relevant legislative provisions, which can increase not only the level of effectiveness of specific law enforcement activities, but also the level of civil confidence in the domestic justice system. With this in mind, this article actualizes the problems of the concept and place of the phenomenon of “extremism” in the modern socio-legal field.

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