
The purpose. To justify technological parameters of water regulation on the basis of probe of features of water requirement of Echinochloa frumentacea, amaranth and field beans at their cultivation on sewed lands, formation of demands of these crops to water regime in rooted layer of soil. Methods. Experimental determination of meteorological indexes, water-physical characteristics of soil, water requirement of forage crops and their productivity. Results. Indexes of total water requirement of Echinochloa frumentacea from 0–50 cm soil layer on peat-moor area «Chemerne» (Sarne exploratory station) made 374,2 mm, amaranth — 266,4 and field beans — 270,6 mm, on drainage-humidifying system «Romen» — 221,0; 231,4 and 232,2 mm accordingly. The greatest intensity of water requirement of Echinochloa frumentacea and amaranth was determined during healthy growth and development, at field beans — at the period of formation of seeds. Bioclimatic quotients of Echinochloa frumentacea, amaranth and field beans were specified at their cultivation in conditions of Western Polissia and Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Averages for vegetative period of their value for Echinochloa frumentacea, amaranth and field beans made accordingly 0,63; 0,61 and 0,58 on peat-moor area «Chemerne», and 0,36; 0,42 and 0,39 on drainage-humidifying system «Romen». Importation of phosphoric-potash fertilizers into dose P60K120 increased productivity of forage crops on 13,4%, and at full fertilizer — on 20,5%. Optimum times of sowing on sewed lands of Western Polissia of Ukraine: for field beans — II ten-day period of April, Echinochloa frumentacea and amaranth — I ten-day period of May. Conclusions. Results of probes are the basis for determination of optimum reclamative regimes for Echinochloa frumentacea, amaranth and field beans according to phases of their vegetation and in view of features of water requirement. Premises for development of technique of cultivation of these forage crops on the reclaimed lands of humid zone of Ukraine are created.

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