
Our research focuses on identifying implicit ways of expressing evaluation and identifying the role of the author in media texts about culture. In order to analyze the category of evaluation we took Russian-language and German-language articles, which have a common newsworthy occurrence: the 130th anniversary of the birth of Marina Tsvetaeva. In the course of the study the publications were analyzed in terms of the presence of implicit evaluations and the linguistic means by which they are carried out. As a result of the study, it turned out that the evaluation has a predominantly positive character on the part of both Russian and German-speaking publications. The implicit evaluation of the Russian-language media texts was expressed at the level of grammar, while the German-language media texts used metaphors and epithets. We also analyzed publications for the presence of the author in the media text according to two parameters proposed by T. V. Shmeleva: author identification and the degree of media text complexity.

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