
The purpose of the paper is to propose scientific and methodological approaches to the generalization of passenger flow survey methods, the formation of the route transport network of the city, the calculation of the required type and number of rolling stock of passenger road transport, the formation of a list of preferential routes. The paper examines applied aspects of the application of the theory of urban passenger transportation in relation to transportation by means of passenger road transport of the city (PRTC). The main concepts of the theory of urban passenger transport and the issue of interaction between urban passenger transport and the city being served are analyzed on the basis of system concepts. An analysis of the main factors that affect the quality of planning, control and regulation of passenger road transport in the transport systems of cities has been carried out. Aspects of the theory of urban transport systems and design calculations of passenger transport by road are also considered. The research was carried out by the formation of new scientific and methodological approaches and scientific argumentation proposed on the basis of numerous works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of passenger transportation organization. Research method are mathematical statistics and modeling. The solution to the tasks of urban transport service is divided into two main complexes: the design of urban transport systems, and the organization of urban transport traffic. To form an optimal or rational route network, as well as to effectively use rolling stock and ensure a high level of passenger service, it is necessary to know the directions, sizes and degree of unevenness of passenger flows, the specific values of which are established during certain surveys. When surveying passenger flows, it is necessary to obtain reliable data in order to use them in solving problems of improving the quality of passenger service. But when choosing a survey method, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the method and the costs of its implementation.

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