
In most food classifications, nuts are usually included in the fruit and berry group. In this scientific article, we examined the issue of the production of tree nuts in the world as a whole, and in the countries that are the main producers of this type of plant products. This term was borrowed from the terminology of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, originally referred to as “Treenuts”. This group does not include all fruits that we, in our traditional understanding, classify as nuts. In particular, it does not include peanuts (groundnut) and coconuts. In the course of the study, we identified that during 1961-2019 the volume of world production of tree nuts increased by 6.68 times, while the “Fruit, Total” group increased by 4.34 times, and that of peanuts and coconut by 3.45 times and 2.63 times, respectively. However, the gross harvest of tree nuts is significantly inferior to most of the types of fresh fruit and berry products obtained. In the structure of their global production in 2019, walnuts were in the first position (25.75%), in the second - cashew nuts (22.67%), in the third - almonds (20.02%). In the context of the main countries-producers of tree nuts, the five leaders include such states as China (27.03%), USA (17.40%), Turkey (7.51%), Iran (4.90%), Cat- d’Ivoire (4.60%). In general, the importance of tree nuts in both production and consumption is increasing. For producing countries, their cultivation and supply to international trade is one of the sources of employment for part of the population and obtaining foreign exchange earnings, and in the countries importing them, the population gets the opportunity to diversify their diet with useful food products throughout the entire calendar year.

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