
The threat of extinction of wild flora plants and their habitats is rapidly increasing around the world. Despite the worldwide mobilization of resources for the conservation of biodiversity, it continues to be lost on an unprecedented scale at all levels. In this regard, there is a serious reassessment of methods of biodiversity conservation. At the same time, increased attention is paid to the restoration of destroyed phytocenoses (ecological restoration) and reintroduction in an attempt to minimize the consequences of habitat destruction and species extinction. Information is provided on the state of work on the reintroduction of rare plant species in the botanical gardens of Russia. The basic methodological principles of work on reintroduction are formulated. The experience of restoring disturbed natural phytocenoses is considered separately. Keywords: REINTRODUCTION OF RARE PLANT SPECIES. METHODS OF WORK. RESTORATION OF DISTURBED NATURAL PHYTOCENOSES

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