
The article deals with the dialectal segment of the lexical fund of the writer M. Matusovsky. The author analysed the works devoted to the study of the functioning of dialectisms in literary texts; dictionaries of the language of writers published in the last decade, which include colloquial, vernacular, and dialect vocabulary in their register. To study the features of the dialect words used by M. Matusovsky, various lexicographic works are involved. In addition to the dictionaries of the literary language, historical sources and a dictionary of Russian folk dialects are used. The semantics of dialect lexemes is clarified, the geography of their distribution and stylistic markedness are determined. The purpose of using dialectisms, the relevance of their use, and the artistic value of their inclusion in the text are determined. The contextual analysis of the use of dialect vocabulary is based on the poetic works of M. Matusovsky of different years and the prosaic “Family Album”.

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