
In this article the results of comparative statistical analysis of longtime (from 2005 to 2019) domestic dogs and cats intestinal cestodoses infestation dynamics are represented. The role of infections commons to human and animals to the distribution amount population is determinate. Fecal samples conserved in Turdyev solution were analyzed by combine and sedimentation methods. The prevalence in domestic dogs’ is 26,54% as a one in domestic cats is 18,56%. The level of infection with Cestoda is established in 1,18% of dogs and 1,90% of cats, including Dibothriocephalus sp. Linnaeus, 1758, Spirometra erinacei-eurоpaei Rudolphi, 1819, Taeniidae like eggs, Hydatigera taeniaeformis Batsch, 1786; Lamarck, 1816, Dipylidium caninum Linnaeus, 1758; Railliet, 1892, Mesocestoides lineatus Goeze, 1782; Railliet, 1893 and Hymenolepis nana Siebold,1852. In general, domestic carnivorous from owners, apparently, don’t play significant role in the wide spread of zoonotic Cestoda infections in the Perm population. However, a special attention of medical specialists should be paid to mesocestoidiasis, sparganosis and Hydatigera / strobilocercus infection in connection with their potential danger to human’s health.

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