
Introduction. The aim of the work is to create a methodology for automated monitoring of linear objects in the oil and gas complex based on the developed mathematical model of flame recognition from a video protocol obtained from a free aircraft. Materials and methods. In a typical solution for recognizing a flame from a free aircraft, an infrared camera is used which effectively solves the detection problem, but has a high cost and is an additional attachments, which increases the weight of the apparatus and reduces its flight capabilities. In existing systems with video camera, the operator makes a decision about the presence of combustion, receiving information from the monitor of the control panel in real time. Theoretical basis. To improve this principle, the algorithm for recognizing the flame in automatic mode, implemented in the program “Video detector flame 2.0 FD”, its difference in the analysis of the video protocol on-board. To implement the algorithm developed, the device of the Russian production Supercam S350 was selected. The flight conditions for the implementation of the methodology were chosen on the basis of the limitations of the underlying mathematical model, while the altitude was 40 m. The condition of sufficiency of the study of one point from two different angles with an overlap of 10 % is accepted in the work. The operational speed of the aircraft during monitoring is 50 km/h. Results and its discussion. To ensure the uniformity of capture of the frames of the underlying surface, polynomial regression of the third degree is determined depending on the true speed in the range from 20 to 70 km/h. The operational characteristics of the selected aircraft and the boundary conditions of the developed mathematical model are generalized and summarized in the methodology of automated monitoring of linear objects of the oil and gas complex. Conclusions. The proposed algorithm uses a digital video camera of standard resolution, performing the detection task without specialized equipment. This significantly reduces the cost of the device and opens the possibility of broad integration into existing free aircraft due to cross-platform software.


  • The aim of the work is to create a methodology for automated monitoring of linear objects in the oil and gas complex based on the developed mathematical model of flame recognition from a video protocol obtained from a free aircraft

  • In a typical solution for recognizing a flame from a free aircraft, an infrared camera is used which effectively solves the detection problem, but has a high cost and is an additional attachments, which increases the weight of the apparatus and reduces its flight capabilities

  • In existing systems with video camera, the operator makes a decision about the presence of combustion, receiving information from the monitor of the control panel in real time

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Materials and methods
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