
The article focuses on improving the efficiency of the process of intercultural communication, namely the finding out of the peculiarities of time perception by the participants of communication, who belong to different cultures, to eliminate barriers that arise during intercultural interaction between them. The relevance of this topic for lawyers, law enforcement officers and applicants for higher education in the field of "Law" and "Law Enforcement" is justified, because professional foreign language communication activities of law enforcement officers and lawyers require the establishment and maintenance of contacts not only with foreign colleagues but also with foreign citizens of different age, professional, cultural and ethnic groups. The article reveals the essence of the concept of "intercultural communication", presents its main characteristics; analyzes indicators of economic culture such as the division of cultures into high-context and low-context and time parameters. It also determines that English, as the language of intercultural communication, is one of the main components of intercultural communication and is considered as a means of communication and involvement in the culture of the other people. It has been found out that the perception of time and its value significantly affects the types and forms of communication, and taking into account the differences in attitudes towards it when interacting with people from different countries and cultures, prevents misunderstandings, contextual errors and promotes and ensures a high level intercultural dialogue of its participants. Successful application of language is the ability to create an atmosphere of general importance of communication for all its participants, which will positively result in its effectiveness. Achieving high efficiency of intercultural communication largely depends on the formation of intercultural competence of its communicators, which involves learning a foreign language with obligatory consideration of the socio-cultural aspect. So, the defining and study of important and relevant aspects of the process of intercultural communication during the training of future lawyers and law enforcement officers become especially important.

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