
The article investigates the physical and mechanical composition of the soils of reclaimed areas after ilmenite mining in Zhytomyr Polissia, in particular, the granulometric composition and moisture content of the soils of the reclaimed areas of the Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant. It also identifies soil types by their fractional composition. To carry out the research, 7 test areas were laid out: a control area undisturbed by mining, a dump of topsoil, a site after technical reclamation, and 4 sites after biological reclamation. In order to study the dynamics of reclaimed soil restoration, we selected sites reclaimed at different times. To determine the influence of tree species on the effectiveness of reclamation, we studied sites with plantations of Pinus sylvestris and plantations of Pinus sylvestris and Betula pendula reclaimed at the same time. For all the studied areas, we determined the granulometric composition of the soil by wet and sieve methods, and soil moisture content. The results of the study showed that the soils of the reclaimed areas are mostly sandy, sandy loam and clay loam. These soils are characterized by low water retention properties and low nutrient content. The study also indicated a correlation between the topography of the studied plots and moisture levels as well as the content of fine fractions in the soil. The research revealed that soils in the areas disturbed by open-pit mining are undergoing significant transformations, which has a negative impact on their forest vegetation potential. To restore this potential, it is necessary to carry out high-quality technical and biological reclamation using modern advanced methods. To improve the effectiveness of reclamation of disturbed areas, it is beneficial to apply mineral and organic fertilizers, plant nitrogen-fixing plants, and add biochar to the soil fertile layer at the stage of levelling of the area.

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