
The paper presents the hydrological characteristics of the humogley soil in the area of Čelarevo and Kovilj marsh. The granulometric composition and dynamics of groundwater in these soils in relation to the Danube water level were examined during two years of monitoring. The granulometric composition and the distance from the Danube riverbed are of great importance for the hydrological properties of these hydromorphic soils. The studied soils are characterized by a heavier granulometric composition in a powerful surface humus horizon, where the texture classes are sandy clay loam to clay loam. The lower parts are subhorizonts of gley, with lighter mechanical composition, and textural classes: sandy loam, loamy sand and sand. The highest relative groundwater level for these soils ranged from 44 to 70 cm in the first year and from 72 to 90 cm in the second year of monitoring. The lowest relative groundwater level ranged from 110 cm to 175 cm for the first year of monitoring, while in the second year it ranged from 154 to 224 cm. Amplitude of groundwater variance ranged from 66 to 132 cm and 82 to 134 cm depending on the year of monitoring. The influence of the Danube water level on the variation of groundwater level is evident. During the first year of monitoring, the water level was extremely high, and the effect on the groundwater level was correlated from 0.67 to 0.88. In the second year of monitoring lower water level was recorded which showed a lower impact on groundwater level with a correlation of 0.12 to 0.39. Considering the distance from 1632 to 1916 m from the Danube watercourse, a significant influence of higher water level on the groundwater level of the studied soils is observed, while at lower water level this influence is much smaller.

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