
The article examines the areas of social responsibility implementation in the tourism business of Ukraine. Its characteristic features are the one-time or periodic participation of tourism business entities in individual socio-ecological activities, charity, sponsorship or volunteering, short-term partnership or participation in the implementation of individual short-term projects, individual development of strategies or programs of corporate social responsibility. In the practice of implementing CSR in Ukrainian tourism, responsible behavior is demonstrated by companies that work under the names of well-known international brands, or are representatives of national tourism businesses that have entered the international market, and for which CSR is a mandatory condition for cooperation with partners and clients. Examples and main directions of social programs implemented by domestic tourism enterprises are given. On the basis of the conducted analysis, a conclusion was made about low social activity at the enterprises of the tourism industry of Ukraine, the absence of a monitoring and control mechanism for the implementation of the measures. Among the main problems of low social activity of the tourism business, the high cost of CSR activities, low culture of social entrepreneurship, lack of understanding of the strategic advantages of socially responsible management, reluctance to integrate social and environmental issues into the business processes of one's enterprise are highlighted. The study of successful examples of national and international experience in the implementation of the CSR strategy in tourism made it possible to identify promising areas of socially responsible activities of tourism industry enterprises: responsibility to employees, responsibility to clients, partners and the public, environmental responsibility. A proposed system of long-term initiatives for the gradual introduction of corporate social responsibility into the tourism business in Ukraine. Such initiatives should be implemented through a transparent and honest policy towards tourists, fair treatment of staff, consideration of ethical principles by all participants in the creation of the value chain, compliance with international and national standards of service and safety.

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