
The dynamics of increasing the productivity of fruit and berry plantations and improving the quality of horticultural products over the last decade is analyzed. The necessity of conducting a study in the field of state financial support for horticulture in Ukraine. The principles of its provision to industry entities assessed. The impact of such support on the sustainable growth of the volume and profitability of horticultural production is shown. On the basis of analytical researches the estimation of efficiency of use of tools of the state support of agricultural production in the field of horticulture of Ukraine is carried out, and the directions of their improvement are formulated. Data on state financial support of economic entities that establish young perennial orchards, store, and process their own fruits and small fruits, as well as data on the production of these products are presented. The dynamics of growth with state support of production in the field of horticulture from 2000 to 2013 and in its absence, the decline in the establishment of new perennial plantations, fruit and berry production and the number of seedling farm properties and their production of homestead material from 2013 to 2017 as well as the growth of these indicators for the restoration of such support from 2017 to 2021. The amounts of state support and the number of sectoral entities that used it in the period 2017-2021 are presented. The positive dynamics of import substitution growth of apples in Ukraine over the last decade as a result of financial support for the construction of refrigerators by economic entities for storage of domestic products is shown. The problematic issues of the horticultural sector that need to be addressed at the legislative level have been identified and specific proposals have been made for the next amendments to the legislative acts. The conclusions of this work were presented to the working group of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy on the development of horticulture for discussion and further use in developing proposals for further amendments to the legislation governing state support for the industry.

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