
The article outlines the state of language policy development in Ukraine through the prism of Ivan Ohiienko’s views (on the example of the works «Faith and Culture», «Saving Ukraine», «Culture and Science», «The Science of Native Language Responsibilities: Native Language Catechism for Teachers, Pen Workers, clergy, law-yers, students and the general public» «Saving Ukraine», «Our Literary Language»). In particular, it was emphasized that the legal status of the Ukrainian language as a state language, its high development, codifi cation and stylistic diff erentiation, com-petitiveness in the European language space. The concept of language policy is out-lined, which, being a component of the general system of national policy, refl ects its specifi c principles and supports the dominant ideology. The interpretation of language policy is presented as a conscious and purposeful infl uence, which aims to promote the eff ective functioning of the language in various areas of its application; a set of ideological principles and practical measures to solve language problems in society and the state; a set of political and administrative measures aimed at giving language development the desired direction; part of the national policy of a certain state, as it concerns the change or preservation of the existing functional distribution of lan-guages in a multilingual society. It is emphasized that the works of Ivan Ohiienko, substantiating the problematic issues of the language, are of great importance for the education of a nationally conscious generation, encourage creative thought, under-standing of the science of Ukrainian studies. Examples are given from the works of Ivan Ohiienko, in which he highlighted the problem of the struggle for the purity of the native language, as well as condemned linguistic Russifi cation in post-Soviet Ukraine, for example, his distinct anti-Moscow position in the message-appeal to the Committee for the Protection of Ukrainian Culture and the People, as well as the need to educate a highly cultured, patriotic determined personality. The vision of Ivan Ohiienko regarding the essence of the native language is indicated. The Metropolitan predicted a situation when the native language would serve the Ukrainian people in various spheres of public life

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