
The article presents results of the experiments carried out on leached black soils of the Republic of Mordovia to identify the effect of liquid complex fertilizers and Albit on awnless brome seed productivity. For this purpose, a two-factor field experiment was laid on crops of awnless brome on the experimental field No. 1 of OAO “Mordoviyagosplem” in Ozerny village of urban district of Saransk city in 2018 - 2020 according to the following scheme: Factor A – Time of application of liquid complex fertilizers and Albit. 1 - At the beginning of spring growth, 2 - In the phase of stalk-shooting, 3 - In the phase of spring growth + in the phase of stalk-shooting. Factor B - Liquid complex fertilizers and Albit. 1. - Without usage of liquid complex fertilizers and Albit (control). 2. - Megamix-profi. 3. - Megamix nitrogen. 4 - Albit. The results of the research revealed that the height of generative shoots (99 - 105 cm) and the length of panicles (14.6 - 16.9 cm) did not change significantly in case of application of fertilizers and Albit; the maximum number of inflorescences was, in comparison with the control, in case of application of Megamix-profi (28.4 %), Megamix-nitrogen (28.9 %), Albit (27.8 %) at the time of spring growth and at the beginning of stalk-shooting with Albit application ( 30.6 %); the usage of Megamix - profi in the phase of stalk-shooting and growth + stalk-shooting led to a greater seed number in inflorescences (68.2 and 68.6 %). Albit contributed to an increase of the number of generative shoots at all periods of application (141, 137, 144 pieces / m2); the largest number of seeds in an inflorescence was noted when spraying plants with Megamix-profi and Albit at the time of spring growth (101.3 and 100.4 pcs.), Megamix - nitrogen – in the phase of stalk-shooting (101.6 pcs.); the application of Megamix-nitrogen at the time of spring growth promoted the maximum mass of 1,000 seeds (4.17 g); spraying with Megamix-nitrogen (531 - 466 kg / ha) and Albit (507 - 466 kg / ha)at the beginning of spring growth and shooting, as well as with Megamix-profi (508 kg / ha) in the phase of stalk-shooting led to the maximum seed yield , with an advantage over the control by 35.1 - 29.0 %; 18.6 - 17.8 % and 29.2 %

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