
The article provides arguments in favor of the introduction of modern information technologies in the organization of production, in particular, in the field of training specialists in higher educational institutions based on modern laboratories, in which laboratory facilities are "digital twins" of real enterprises. Specialized laboratories that act as digital twins of real production facilities are ready-made solutions for conducting a laboratory workshop in the training of specialists in the field of industrial automation. They include laboratory stands, specialized software, additional devices for research activities. That is, the equipment of laboratories is often focused on specific tasks. Direct demonstration of the work of real automation tools increases the interest of students in obtaining new relevant knowledge, leads to an increase in students' competence in the field of design, installation and maintenance of modern automatic process control systems. The description of laboratory complexes is given, with a description of their functionality. The APCS laboratory, opened at KNRTU together with Yokogawa in 2011, includes: a classroom with instrumentation; training class of control computing systems; a classroom with installations simulating heat metering units for liquid and gaseous products; training class for computer simulation systems of chemical-technological processes; research laboratory. The equipment of the laboratory allows for the training of specialists with a focus on a specific industrial enterprise and a well-defined technological process, advanced training for workers in the oil and gas processing industry, and retraining of specialists servicing heat transfer metering systems. The availability of powerful software makes it possible to carry out work on optimizing technological processes in terms of energy saving and reducing production costs. When training specialists, specialized laboratories as digital twins of technological processes can provide indispensable basic knowledge for further successful work in real conditions. The significance of the APCS laboratory lies in the training of practice-oriented specialists with a high level of professional knowledge. These laboratory complex can be further upgraded for specific production tasks.

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