
The research included the goal of revealing the effect of complex fertilizer on the quantitative composition and classes of microorganisms, as well as the dynamics of the formation of nodule bacteria under clover crops. The experience was laid in the fields of the SKNIIGPSh VNTs RAS. The soil is medium-thick, heavy loamy chernozem, underlain by pebbles. The reaction of the soil solution is slightly acidic (pH-5.73). The humus content is up to 4.5%. The arrangement of variants in repetitions is randomized. The repetition of the experiment is three times. The preparation used is a complex fertilizer with a high content of nitrogen, microelements, amino acids and polysaccharides in the lignosulfonate complex. It was established that the main groups of microorganisms are bacteria (bacilli and non-spore forms) - 6 species, actinomycetes - 2 species and microscopic fungi - 1 species. The soil suspension was sown on meat-peptone, starch-ammonia and wort-agar. When treated with "Polydon Bio Legumes" for clover seedlings at doses of 0.5 l and 1 l/ha, it was found that the best option is 1 l/ha. Compared with the control, the number of non-spore-bearing ammonifiers increased by 2.9 times, bacilli - by 1.8; nitrifiers and actinomycetes - 1.5; microscopic fungi - 2.3 times. In the budding phase - the beginning of flowering, an increase in the dose to 1.5 l / ha had a negative effect on such groups of microorganisms as non-spore-bearing ammonifiers and microscopic fungi. However, the number of bacilli and actinomycetes increased 1.6 times. Therefore, a treatment dose of 1 l/ha is recognized as an effective option. When spraying on seedlings in the variant of 1 l/ha, the first nodules appeared 4-5 days earlier than the control. The introduction of microfertilizers had a positive effect on the quantity - 173 pieces and the weight of the symbiotic apparatus - 94 g. The yield of green mass for 2 cuttings was 317 c/ha, which is 22% higher than the control. This indicator was achieved when treated with Polydon at a dose of 1 l/ha. Increasing the dose of the drug did not affect the yield.

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