
In the study of market relations, the concept of "property rights" should be considered as an important precondition for economic development. The most controversial issue in the institutional research development is to determine the patterns of interaction between the economic and legal systems, particularly, in the context of the formation and development of the property rights as a set of economic, social, legal relations between members of society that give people usefulness or pleasure. The theoretical framework for the formation of the institutional concept of the property rights is based on the socio-legal direction of American institutionalism and the Anglo-Saxon legal system. For the first time, American institutionalism paid attention to the economic aspects of the ownership transference of goods and services (market transactions) and the Anglo-Saxon law has studied the impact of the various forms of ownership on economic relations, in particular, in the structure of formation of transaction costs associated with market operations. The theory of transaction costs has become the basis for the development of three areas of "neo-institutional" research on property rights: the first is the economics of law (theory of property rights), the second is the institutional theory of the state and the third is new economic history. The understanding of property rights is based on the following that property rights can be established to any rare tangible and intangible objects, even personal human rights. Moreover, the basis of the economic activity is the exchange of the property rights, market operations transactions. And the use of market mechanism for the exchanging of goods is followed by transaction costs. The market transactions costs determine the composition, structure and dynamics of changes in social institutions of society. And property rights have a significant impact on the behavior of property relations participants and encourage people to adhere to certain forms of behavior and cause them to avert other forms of activity. Compliance and violation of the rules established by the property rights is an act of a rational economic choice.

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