Abstract: For in-depth research of blood flow, it is important to create pulsating flow like the blood flow from heart beat. In this study, we developed a heart mimicking pulsatile pump and evaluated its performances. Main body of pump was produced using a piston pump, and its rpm and duty ratio was modulated by DC motor and encoder. To determine the part dimensions, principle stress theory and simple fluidic pressure anal-ysis were used. The performance of pulsating pump was evaluated by comparing the pressure values and their deviations according to experimental variables. For the results, the output value of pressure followed the dis-tribution of pulsating flow and its deviation was negligible. Through this study, we expect the established pul-sating pump can be widely used in study of blood flow produce easy ways to related researchers. Keywords: Pulsatile Flow, Pump, Performance, Pressure Analysis, Blood Flow 1. 서 론 심혈관계 질환(cardiac vascular disease)은 최근10년 동안 국내 사망률 통계에서 사망원인 중 1위를 차지하고 있는 대표적인 질환 군이다. 이러한심혈관계 질환 중 대표적인 질환은 인체 혈관 내에 혈구(globule), 콜레스테롤(cholesterol) 등의 부유물질들이 혈관벽에서 응고(coagulation) 되어 혈관의완전 또는 부분적인 폐쇄가 발생하는 협착증(stenosis)이다
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