
The correlation of the educational and enlighten the constituents of the region’s ecclesiastical colleges activity are considered in the article. The general and specific features of the activity of these two directions are revealied. The music and educational conditions of these special ecclesiastical institutions in the comparison with the church-parochial schools are analyzed. The distinctions of organization of the educational and enlighten process of ecclesiastical colleges and church-parochial schools are appointed.The analysis of the annual reports on the teaching and upbringing work of the church schools gave grounds for study the question on the teacher’s educational art disciplines of artistic cycle level: the church choir singing, the music instrumental performing, fundamentals of music theory, the orchestral and chamber-instrumental performing. The specific facts, which testified to the correspondence of the musical and educational training of the teachers of art disciplines to their positions, are recounted.On the basis of the analysis of music and educational program requirements, which are presented by theological schools for their pupils, as well as concert programs, containing information about public collective speeches, individual instrumental and vocal performance, the forms of musical and educational work of these educational institutions are revealed. These specific forms include the theological and philosophical reading, the literature and vocal evenings, the music evenings, the organization of concerts by secular artists, the school choirs’ participate at the concerts and at the famous secular (local and guest artists) singers’ concert performances. The regional ecclesiastical colleges’ role in the theological educational system of Russia imperia of that time is determined.The enlightenment activity of ecclesiastical colleges of the South-eastern Ukraine as the regional culture social phenomenon is characterized. We make the conclusion about predomination of collective forms of performing over individual ones as well as the choir performance over instrumental one, about the important significance of music enlightenment influence of ecclesiastical colleges for the formation of the local public’s aesthetic tastes, for the raising of the conscious receiving level of music art, about the expanding of music outlooks and gradual increasing of the music culture of the broad sectors of civil society.

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