
The article analyzes trends in the development of the theoretical construction of the form of government of the modern Russian state after amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020. Based on the analysis of the positions of leading Russian legal scholars on the issue of the form of the Republic of modern Russia, the conclusion is made that the changes made to the Basic law of the country in the summer of 2020 predetermined an even greater gap between the real and nominal characteristics of the Russian form of government. The author considers it possible to agree with the opinion of legal experts who define the nominal form of government of the Russian Federation as a presidential-parliamentary Republic with a dominant position of the President in the system of higher state authorities. The analysis of the constitutional amendments of 2020 shows that in practice, due to the real correlation between the branches of state power, the highest state bodies, and direct and inverse relations between state bodies and the population, the form of government in modern Russia can be defined as a special type of presidential Republic.

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