
Political linguistics in Russia is characterized by a large number of directions and topics varieties, especially political metaphor and discourse-analysis, which serves as the main method of linguocognitive interpretation of the text as a whole and the word separately. We analyze the scientific results presented on the pages of the journal “Political Linguistics” for 2006–2017 (edi-tor-in-chief A.P. Chudinov). During this period, 46 published issues, distributed in 33 countries, highlight the main directions (theory of political linguistics, fundamental linguistics, rhetoric, so-ciolinguistics, cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, semiotics, semantics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics and intercultural communication) that stimulate research in the field of political com-munication and the language of politics. We establish that more than 90% of all directions are in-tercultural communication, which focuses on the study of communication strategies and language manipulation. We justify that the context of the 12-year development of Russian political linguis-tics reflects the expansion of political discourse and contributes to the activation of the critical dis-course analysis as a direction. We substantiate that in Russian political linguistics, there are direc-tions that are just emerging: polylinguistic forecasting, polylinguistic personality, political self-presentation, comparative studies of political texts.

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