
At the end of the First World War, the Aleksinac branch and the Women’s Craft School continued their work. Bin accordance with the law from 1922, the Women’s Craft School in Aleksinac became semi-state, so that it had a craft school at lower and extended levels. The school principals were mostly administrative members of the branch. In such schools, the Ministry of Trade and Industry appointed permanent and part-time staff, financed part of the needs and activities of the schools and monitored their work, but the main support of the school stemmed from the branch itself. The significance of this school for the town of Aleksinac was great, which was understood by the residents themselves. Almost all the female children who lived in the town itself attended this school. The Aleksinac family played a significant role in the educational, cultural, charitable and social life of Aleksinac in the first half of the 20th century. It marked the engagement of the residents of Aleksinac and their inclusion in public life. The members included women’s youth in numerous activities, thus developing their social spirit; in this way, the family achieved many valuable results. The most important of all is that they worked exclusively for women in the way of raising awareness of their important role in the progress of Serbian society.

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