
The article substantiates the need to update the content of the educational activity of the primary school teacher, while emphasizing the need to take into account the realities of today and the need to use information technologies as a necessary component of the educational process. Based on the definitions of the phenomena of «education», «forms of education», «methods of education», «means of education» and the analysis of the situation in the state and the requirements for the personality of its citizens, the purpose and content of the educational activity of the primary school teacher have been defined as an organization of purposeful influence on cognitive, reflective and affective spheres of personality. Network software tools that can be used for educational (in particular, educational) purposes in the conditions of mixed and distance learning have been monitored, since their use allows organizing, conducting, monitoring and adjusting the educational process in general and educational activities in particular. As a result, distance learning educational platforms, means for conducting video conferences, means for creating effective visualization and virtual didactic materials were selected as educational IT tools: virtual test resources, programs for creating word clouds, mental maps, crosswords, puzzles, comics, network puzzles, virtual tours museums, as well as videos from YouTube etc. The principles of using IT tools in the education of students of primary education have been defended: visibility, individualization and differentiation, interactivity, connection with life, citizenship and national-cultural consciousness. The conditions for the selection of means and network educational IT resources for the education of students of primary education in the conditions of NUSh (their compliance with educational goals, the age of the students of education and, of course, technical and sanitary-hygienic and valeological norms) and the integration of the selected means have been specified. Prospective directions of research in the context of the topic of the publication were also outlined.

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