
"Modern pedagogy needs to rethink the changes in the educational space that have occurred in recent years and continue today. Society needs qualitatively new characteristics of pedagogical activity. A free creative person with developed critical thinking skills is capable of constructive and creative activities. It is language skills that contribute to the development of critical thinking of the individual in the changing events of the modern world, which, in turn, helps to correctly perceive educational material in the specialty. The ability to logically and competently justify proposed solutions to a specific problem, analyze and synthesize specific facts, and use language skills is a priority in the professional training of future lawyers. Thus, language is a tool that every lawyer must master, performing the diverse functions of both the native and Russian languages. It is from this point of view that the main goal of teaching languages in law schools remains the formation and improvement of skills and abilities in the educational and professional spheres of communication, both oral and written. In this regard, the specifics of teaching the Russian language presuppose the need to turn to various theories, concepts, technologies, and teaching methods. "

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