
Special training of police officers, includingwomen, is one of the priority factors in thequality of their law enforcement activities inthe units of the National Police of Ukraine,ensuring law and order in law enforcement andcombating crime in the country. However, theinsufficient level of development of generaland special physical qualities of female policeofficers, respectively, the insufficient level oftheir special training negatively affect theirprofessional activities in the units of theNational Police of Ukraine. The purpose ofthe study was to investigate the dependence ofthe effectiveness of professional activities offemale officers of the National Police ofUkraine on the level of their physical fitness.Research methods: theoretical analysis andgeneralization of literature sources on theresearch topic, sociological methods,documentary method. Results. The articlereveals the problematic issue of the need toimprove the level of physical fitness of womenlaw enforcement officers of the NationalPolice of Ukraine in order to improve theirtraining in protecting human rights andfreedoms, combating crime, maintainingpublic order and security. Conclusions. It wasfound that the high level of physical fitness,which is a component of special training,female officers of the National Police ofUkraine is closely related to the effectivenessof their professional activities. The results ofthe study indicate the need to increase the levelof physical fitness, which will increase thelevel of special training and improve thequality of performance of official duties.

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