An experimental open-type tapping was carried out in pine stands located in the Sokolsky district of the Vologda region. The objects of study are represented by plantations located on the sites, passed in 1972 by hydrotechnical reclamation, as well as similar forests after continuous thinning. The dominant species in the tree layer is pine, the share of spruce and birch does not reach 10%. The release of turpentine was studied in pine forests on a mesotrophic peat deposit. The tapping was carried out using the ascending method of applying the substrates. The main attention was paid to improving the method for determining the resin productivity of Scots pine. In the course of the study, the following tasks were solved: 1) four permanent test plots were laid in drained pine plantations, in addition, continuous thinning was performed on two sites; 2) for research purposes, an experimental double-sided harvesting of pine turpentine was carried out on each trial plot; 3) the influence of hydrotechnical reclamation and thinning on the amount of released pine turpentine has been determined; 4) specifying coefficients have been developed for the mathematical calculation (forecast) of turpentine yield with a 50% trunk load with tapping cuts. Based on the results of the study, a number of correction factors have been proposed to determine the resin productivity of pines, taking into account their taxation diameter, since the mathematical calculation of the turpentine yield under a trunk load with tapping cuts of 50% carr is often overestimated. The positive effect of hydrotechnical reclamation on the increase in the breast height diameter of pine was confirmed. The average yield of pine resin is about 22% higher, relative to the stand without silvicultural care, in a drained pine forest after silvicultural maintenance
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