
This scholarly article is devoted to the life and career of Alexander D. Buchin, a Russian cadet, who emigrated from Russia to Serbia and made a name for himself in the country as an inventor and engineer. While residing in Serbia A.D. Buchin carried out state tasks, monitoring water in natural water resources. He was also involved design and construction of buildings around the country. A.D. Buchin who started a family and started his own company in Serbia was in XX imprisoned by the Communist regime in Yugoslavia. The article is the first attempt to recreate Mr Buchin life in Serbia, using documents, memories of his descendants and newspaper materials. The goal is to describe a prominent representative of the Russian emigration in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes / Yugoslavia in the 1920s–1940s. Methods. This article presents previously unknown facts of the biography of a Russian emigre, who in 1932 became a subject of the Yugoslav king and managed to build a suc-cessful career in Serbia. The article is using various research methodologies. The com-parative historical research is used to study the life and fate of a Russian émigré during the Civil War in Russia. The narrative method is used to study the position of the Russian emigration in Serbia against the background of political changes in this country and in the world during the review period. The information method allows to create series of events. The structural method allows identifying the stable relationships within the system, to ensure the protection of its basic principals. The article examines the events in a broad comparative context of history. Results. The unknown facts of the life of A.D. Buchin are compiled into a structured bi-ography of the Russian White émigré person. The author creates a personal portrait of the engineer, presenting various aspects of his life as hobbies, his sympathies, attitude to politics. Part of the article describes Mr Buchin life in the city of Sabac, there he resided. This article is intended to complement the global theme “Russian emigration in Serbia”.


  • Научная статьяНастоящая статья посвящена изучению жизненного пути эмигранта из России, кадета, впоследствии инженера-строителя Александра Димитриевича Бучина

  • Введение В год 100-летия Русского исхода устойчивый интерес вызывает судьба военных и гражданских лиц, эвакуированных 13–16 ноября 1920 г. из Крыма под руководством П.Н

  • A Russian cadet, who emigrated from Russia to Serbia and made a name for himself in the country as an inventor and engineer

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Научная статья

Настоящая статья посвящена изучению жизненного пути эмигранта из России, кадета, впоследствии инженера-строителя Александра Димитриевича Бучина. Попав за границу во время Гражданской войны, он получил образование и сделал себе имя в Сербии. Воспоминаний потомков и газетных материалов проводится попытка создания, вероятно, первой в России биографии видного представителя русской эмиграции в Королевстве сербов, хорватов и словенцев / Югославии в 1920–1940-е гг. В настоящей работе приводятся ранее неизвестные факты биографии русского эмигранта, с 1932 г. При помощи сравнительно-исторического метода прослеживается судьба русского эмигранта периода Гражданской войны в России, сумевшего построить успешную карьеру в Сербии. Нарративный метод позволяет проследить положение русской эмиграции в Сербии на фоне политических перемен в этой стране и в мире в рассматриваемый период.

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