
The article focuses on the study of the phenomenon of syntactic complication of a simple sentence structure by semi-predicative adjectival components (traditionally known as detached participle and verbal adverb phrases) with the inherent potential predicativeness. The scientific relevance of the investigation is predetermined by a general tendency of modern linguistic studies towards the problems of semantic syntax, and by the attempt to elaborate a semantic theory of a sentence with regard to the central place of syntax in grammar, asymmetry of a language sign, deep categories of sentence. Therefore, the analysis of simple sentences complicated by semi-predicative adjectival components (SАC) is predefined foremost by their ability to distinguish priorities of a personality in his/her act of communication during which a speaker differentiates their propositions as dynamic or static, full-sentenced or elliptical. Semi-predicativeness is defined as a syntactic category of a simple (mono-predicative) complicated sentence, that has acquired formal features, namely, its structuring according to a certain grammatical pattern, where the participle, the verbal adverb, the adjective or the noun with an appositive function take a central position; its intonation of detachment; its syntactic autonomy and disjunction. In this respect, SAC is interpreted as embodied through the detachment of mono- or multi-lexeme syntactic formations appearing as a result of shortening of a simple elementary sentence into a non-sentence proposition. A central position in it is occupied by a secondary attributive syntaxeme represented by an adjective, that is grammatically and semantically related to a basic part of a simple complicated sentence and it illustrates secondary predicative-attributive relations (sometimes bearing adverbial features). The scientific novelty of the research results consists in the definition of SAC based on its formally-grammatical, semantic-syntactical and functional features; the determination of outer syntagmatic efficiency of the adjective in the structure of a simple complicated sentence; the highlighting of models that underline valency potential of adjectives within the limits of a semi-predicative construction, and also their distribution through valency-not-predefined components. The article explores and contains theoretical principles of the research of the adjective as a separate part of speech. Detachment and semi-predicativeness have been characterized as formally-syntactic categories of a simple sentence complicated by SAC; secondary predication has been analysed as a marker of semantic complication of simple sentences with SAC. Functional potential of semi-predicative adjectival components in the structure of a simple sentence has been described.

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